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Diet before blood test - fare before blood try-out

31-01-2017 à 13:40:31
Diet before blood test
These two points need to be considered when your doctor is deciding how to interpret your test results. Certain foods may influence the results of blood tests, thereby leading to a false diagnosis. Besides that, you should avoid drinking canned fruit juices which are full of artificial sugar, preservatives etc. However, blood tests that do not demand fasting may require you to omit certain foods from your diet altogether. Fasting for blood work usually begins 8 to 12 hours before the blood test. The type of foods to avoid before a blood test depend upon the type of blood test that you are planning to undergo. One must avoid taking iron supplements in any form prior to a hemogram. Consuming excess amount of carbohydrates may show a surge in your blood sugar levels. Certain blood test results may get influenced by the foods you eat. Excess alcohol intake raises your triglyceride levels and HDL levels. Today, laboratories that perform the analyses of blood samples are generally certified so that cholesterol measurements are accurate and reliable. Blood tests are a very effective means of diagnosis of various diseases and disorders. Even cereals such as oats or bran based must be avoided as they are rich in natural sugars, which can prove to be a problem. For example, a family history of elevated lipids is important because genetic forms of high cholesterol often do not respond fully to diet therapy. Once women reach menopause, they have higher cholesterol levels than their male counterparts. Males show a significant decline during adolescence, when testosterone starts flooding their bodies. Here is some information on what not to eat before a blood test. A personal or family history of certain diseases can also affect your results and your treatment.

Foods containing artificial sugar may adversely affect the blood test for detecting glucose levels in the body. Also, stay away from syrups, soda as they have an unusual amount of sugar in them. The results of a blood test are often accurate and reliable. Adult males over the age of 20, however, generally have higher levels of cholesterol than females. Given below are some foods that you should avoid for common blood tests. This also happens to be the most commonly prescribed blood test, which you may have to take up routinely if you are a diabetic. Carbohydrates get converted into sugar in the body. A variety of factors can influence the accuracy of your test results, including age, sex, seasonal variations, recent changes in diet or weight, alcohol intake, exercise, family history, other illnesses, pregnancy, and certain medications. Fasting before a blood test is a common norm when you are undergoing blood work for glucose. Engaging in vigorous exercise just before your blood test can temporarily lower your cholesterol and triglyceride values, but a vigorous workout can also raise the level of a muscle enzyme called CPK. Ask your doctor if the lab used is certified. Your age and sex influence your blood-cholesterol level. Sugary carbs such as sweetened cereals must be avoided at all costs prior to a blood taste. Seasonal variation has been shown to affect cholesterol values. Most blood tests demand a stipulated time of fasting, during which you are not allowed to eat or drink anything. Yet these disorders increase your risk of heart disease by exposing you to lifelong elevated cholesterol levels. Hypothyroidism (due to insufficient amounts of thyroid hormone) is a common secondary cause of elevated cholesterol levels. Your cholesterol levels are also clearly affected when excessive calories are consumed or your intake of saturated fat and cholesterol is increased. During this time, you are not supposed to eat or drink anything (though, some tests may allow drinking water).

Diet before blood test video:

fare before blood try-out tags:
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Diet before blood test
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